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Advanced Pine Script Techniques 🔧

Custom Data Structures

Implementing a Queue

indicator("Queue Implementation")

// Create a queue using arrays
var float[] queue = array.new_float(0)
var int maxSize = 100

// Queue operations
enqueue(value) =>
if array.size(queue) >= maxSize
array.push(queue, value)

dequeue() =>
array.size(queue) > 0 ? array.shift(queue) : na

// Usage example
lastValue = dequeue()

Creating a Moving Window

indicator("Moving Window")

// Create sliding window
var matrix<float> window =<float>(5, 2, 0.0)

// Update window
updateWindow() =>
// Shift data up
for i = 0 to 3
matrix.set(window, i, 0, matrix.get(window, i+1, 0))
matrix.set(window, i, 1, matrix.get(window, i+1, 1))

// Add new data
matrix.set(window, 4, 0, high)
matrix.set(window, 4, 1, low)

Advanced Calculations

Custom Statistical Functions

indicator("Custom Statistics")

// Calculate median
getMedian(float[] data) =>
sorted = array.copy(data)
size = array.size(sorted)
mid = size / 2
size % 2 == 0 ?
(array.get(sorted, int(mid-1)) + array.get(sorted, int(mid))) / 2 :
array.get(sorted, int(mid))

// Calculate mode
getMode(float[] data) =>
var map = array.new_float(0) // Values
var counts = array.new_int(0) // Counts

for value in data
index = array.indexof(map, value)
if index >= 0
array.set(counts, index, array.get(counts, index) + 1)
array.push(map, value)
array.push(counts, 1)

maxCount = array.max(counts)
modeIndex = array.indexof(counts, maxCount)
array.get(map, modeIndex)

Pattern Recognition

Advanced Candlestick Patterns

indicator("Advanced Patterns", overlay=true)

// Engulfing pattern
isEngulfing() =>
bullish = close[1] < open[1] and // Previous red
close > open and // Current green
open <= close[1] and // Opens below prev close
close >= open[1] // Closes above prev open

bearish = close[1] > open[1] and // Previous green
close < open and // Current red
open >= close[1] and // Opens above prev close
close <= open[1] // Closes below prev open

[bullish, bearish]

// Three Line Strike
isThreeLineStrike() =>
// Check for three consecutive candles
threeDown = close[3] < open[3] and
close[2] < open[2] and
close[1] < open[1] and
close[1] < close[2] and
close[2] < close[3]

// Check for reversal candle
reversal = close > open and
close > high[1]

threeDown and reversal

Machine Learning Concepts

Simple Moving Average Convergence

indicator("ML Concepts")

// Feature engineering
calculateFeatures(price, periods) =>
var features = array.new_float(0)

// Calculate multiple timeframe features
for period in periods
sma = ta.sma(price, period)
rsi = ta.rsi(price, period)
array.push(features, sma)
array.push(features, rsi)


// Simple prediction model
predictDirection(features) =>
weight = 1.0 / array.size(features)
sum = 0.0

for feature in features
sum += feature * weight

sum > close

Memory Management

Efficient Data Storage

indicator("Memory Management")

// Use circular buffer for data storage
var int bufferSize = 100
var float[] buffer = array.new_float(bufferSize, 0.0)
var int currentIndex = 0

// Add data efficiently
addToBuffer(value) =>
array.set(buffer, currentIndex, value)
currentIndex := (currentIndex + 1) % bufferSize

// Clean up old data
cleanBuffer() =>
if array.size(buffer) > bufferSize * 2
newBuffer = array.new_float(bufferSize, 0.0)
for i = 0 to bufferSize - 1
array.set(newBuffer, i, array.get(buffer, i))
buffer := newBuffer

Advanced Error Handling

Robust Error Checking

strategy("Error Handling")

// Custom error type
var string[] errorLog = array.new_string(0)

// Error handling function
handleError(condition, message) =>
if condition
array.push(errorLog, message)

// Usage example
safeCalculation(value) =>
if handleError(na(value), "Invalid input value")
if handleError(value <= 0, "Value must be positive")
Advanced Tips
  • Use efficient data structures
  • Implement proper error handling
  • Optimize calculations for performance
  • Document complex algorithms
  • Test edge cases thoroughly
Common Pitfalls

❌ Memory leaks in arrays/matrices ❌ Inefficient loops ❌ Unnecessary calculations ❌ Missing error checks ❌ Poor code organization

Next Steps

Ready to learn about creating custom libraries? Move on to the next chapter! 🚀