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External Integration 🌐

Working with External Data

Request Module

indicator("External Data")

// Request data from another symbol
btcData ="BTCUSD", timeframe.period, close)
ethData ="ETHUSD", timeframe.period, close)

// Calculate correlation
correlation = ta.correlation(btcData, ethData, 14)
plot(correlation, "BTC-ETH Correlation")

Multi-Timeframe Analysis


// Get data from multiple timeframes
daily =, "D", close)
weekly =, "W", close)
monthly =, "M", close)

// Create relative strength indicator
dailyChange = daily / daily[1]
weeklyChange = weekly / weekly[1]
monthlyChange = monthly / monthly[1]

Data Export

CSV Format Generation

indicator("Data Export")

// Format data for export
formatCSV() =>
timestamp = str.tostring(time)
price = str.tostring(close)
volume = str.tostring(volume)
timestamp + "," + price + "," + volume

// Create export string
var string[] exportData = array.new_string(0)
if barstate.islast
array.push(exportData, formatCSV())

Alert Integration

indicator("Alert Integration")

// Create structured alert message
alertMessage() =>
json = "{"
json += "\"symbol\":\"" + syminfo.ticker + "\","
json += "\"price\":" + str.tostring(close) + ","
json += "\"volume\":" + str.tostring(volume) + ","
json += "\"time\":\"" + str.tostring(time) + "\""
json += "}"

// Trigger alert with JSON data
if ta.crossover(ta.sma(close, 14), ta.sma(close, 28))
alert(alertMessage(), alert.freq_once_per_bar)

External API Integration

Webhook Formatting

strategy("Webhook Integration")

// Create webhook payload
createWebhookPayload(action, price, quantity) =>
json = "{"
json += "\"action\":\"" + action + "\","
json += "\"symbol\":\"" + syminfo.ticker + "\","
json += "\"price\":" + str.tostring(price) + ","
json += "\"quantity\":" + str.tostring(quantity) + ","
json += "\"timestamp\":\"" + str.tostring(timenow) + "\""
json += "}"

// Send trade signals
if strategy.position_size != strategy.position_size[1]
strategy.position_size > strategy.position_size[1] ? "BUY" : "SELL",
math.abs(strategy.position_size - strategy.position_size[1])

Real-Time Integration

Broker Integration

strategy("Broker Integration", overlay=true)

// Define order parameters
var float defaultQuantity = 1.0
var float stopLossPercent = 2.0
var float takeProfitPercent = 4.0

// Create broker order
placeBrokerOrder(direction, entry) =>
stopPrice = direction == "long" ?
entry * (1 - stopLossPercent/100) :
entry * (1 + stopLossPercent/100)

targetPrice = direction == "long" ?
entry * (1 + takeProfitPercent/100) :
entry * (1 - takeProfitPercent/100)

json = "{"
json += "\"type\":\"LIMIT\","
json += "\"direction\":\"" + direction + "\","
json += "\"quantity\":" + str.tostring(defaultQuantity) + ","
json += "\"entry\":" + str.tostring(entry) + ","
json += "\"stop\":" + str.tostring(stopPrice) + ","
json += "\"target\":" + str.tostring(targetPrice) + ""
json += "}"

Data Synchronization

State Management

indicator("State Management")

// Track external state
var float[] externalPrices = array.new_float(0)
var string[] externalEvents = array.new_string(0)

// Synchronize with external data
syncExternalData() =>
if array.size(externalPrices) > 100

array.push(externalPrices, close)
array.push(externalEvents, barstate.isconfirmed ? "confirmed" : "pending")

Error Handling

Robust External Requests

indicator("Robust Integration")

// Handle external data requests
safeRequest(symbol, tf, field) =>
var float lastValue = na
value =, tf, field)

if na(value)
// Use last known value or fallback
value := lastValue
lastValue := value


// Usage with error handling
try =>
btcPrice = safeRequest("BTCUSD", "D", close)
if na(btcPrice)
runtime.error("Failed to fetch BTC price")
catch =>
close // Fallback to current symbol

Performance Considerations

Optimizing External Calls

indicator("Optimized Integration")

// Cache external data
var float[] dataCache = array.new_float(0)
var int cacheSize = 100
var int updateInterval = 10

// Efficient data fetching
getExternalData() =>
shouldUpdate = bar_index % updateInterval == 0
if shouldUpdate
if array.size(dataCache) >= cacheSize
array.push(dataCache, close)
array.get(dataCache, array.size(dataCache) - 1)
Integration Tips
  • Use structured data formats (JSON)
  • Implement robust error handling
  • Cache external data when possible
  • Rate limit external requests
  • Validate external data
Common Issues

❌ Excessive API calls ❌ Missing error handlers ❌ Poor data synchronization ❌ Unhandled timeframe mismatches ❌ Webhook formatting errors

Next Steps

Ready to learn about performance optimization? Move on to the next chapter! 🚀