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Strategy Deployment 🚀

Preparing for Live Trading

Strategy Checklist

strategy("Deployment Checklist", overlay=true)

// 1. Use correct time settings
timeframe = timeframe.period
isIntraday = timeframe <= "240"

// 2. Add safety checks
var bool tradingAllowed = true
riskPerTrade = input.float(1.0, "Risk per Trade %", maxval=5.0)

// 3. Implement position sizing
atr = ta.atr(14)
positionSize = strategy.equity * (riskPerTrade/100) / atr

// 4. Add error handling
if na(atr) or atr <= 0
tradingAllowed := false

Real-Time Considerations

Market Hours

strategy("Market Hours", overlay=true)

// Define trading sessions
regularHours = session.regular
preMarket = session.premarket
afterHours =

// Check if in active session
isActiveSession = session.ismarket

// Only trade during regular hours
if isActiveSession and not (preMarket or afterHours)
// Your strategy logic here

Data Management

strategy("Data Management")

// Store important data
var float[] prices = array.new_float(0)
var float[] volumes = array.new_float(0)

// Limit data storage
maxStorageSize = 1000
if array.size(prices) > maxStorageSize

// Add new data
array.push(prices, close)
array.push(volumes, volume)

Risk Controls

Position Management

strategy("Position Management")

// Maximum positions
maxPositions =, "Max Positions")
maxRiskPct = input.float(20, "Max Portfolio Risk %")

// Current exposure
currentExposure = strategy.position_size * close
portfolioRisk = currentExposure / strategy.equity * 100

// Risk checks
if strategy.opentrades < maxPositions and portfolioRisk < maxRiskPct
// Safe to enter new position

Emergency Stops

strategy("Emergency Controls")

// Define emergency conditions
maxDrawdown = input.float(15, "Max Drawdown %")
maxLossPerTrade = input.float(5, "Max Loss per Trade %")

// Check conditions
currentDrawdown = (strategy.equity - strategy.equity_high) /
strategy.equity_high * 100

// Emergency exit
if currentDrawdown <= -maxDrawdown
strategy.close_all("Emergency Stop")

Performance Monitoring

Real-Time Metrics

strategy("Performance Monitor")

// Create monitoring table
var table monitor =, 2, 5)

if barstate.islast
// Update metrics
table.cell(monitor, 0, 0, "Current P/L")
table.cell(monitor, 1, 0, str.tostring(strategy.openprofit))

table.cell(monitor, 0, 1, "Today's Trades")
table.cell(monitor, 1, 1, str.tostring(strategy.opentrades))

table.cell(monitor, 0, 2, "Win Rate")
table.cell(monitor, 1, 2, str.tostring(strategy.wintrades/
strategy.closedtrades * 100) + "%")

Alert Systems

Custom Alerts

strategy("Alert System")

// Define alert conditions
riskLevel = ta.atr(14) / close * 100
isHighRisk = riskLevel > input.float(3, "Risk Threshold")

// Create alerts
if isHighRisk
alert("High Risk Environment", alert.freq_once_per_bar)

// Position alerts
if strategy.position_size != strategy.position_size[1]
alert("Position Changed: " + str.tostring(strategy.position_size))

Strategy Documentation

Code Documentation

// @version=5
// @strategy_name="My Strategy"
// @strategy_description="A comprehensive trading strategy"
// @author="Your Name"
// @license="MIT"

strategy("Documented Strategy", overlay=true)

//@function: Calculates optimal position size
//@param: risk - risk percentage per trade
//@returns: position size in units
calcPositionSize(risk) =>
atr = ta.atr(14)
strategy.equity * (risk/100) / atr

Deployment Checklist

Pre-Deployment Checklist

✅ Test on multiple timeframes ✅ Verify risk management rules ✅ Check data requirements ✅ Set up monitoring systems ✅ Document all parameters ✅ Test emergency procedures

Common Deployment Issues

Watch Out For

❌ Insufficient historical data ❌ Timezone mismatches ❌ Order execution delays ❌ Missing error handlers ❌ Incomplete documentation

Best Practices

  1. Start Small

    • Begin with small position sizes
    • Gradually increase exposure
    • Monitor closely for issues
  2. Monitor Actively

    • Track performance metrics
    • Watch for system errors
    • Document any issues
  3. Regular Updates

    • Review strategy performance
    • Update parameters if needed
    • Keep documentation current

Next Steps

Ready to learn about advanced Pine Script techniques? Move on to the next chapter! 🚀